[Cybermen menace Zoe Herriot]

Doctor Who Chronology: The 21st to 25th Centuries

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Or travel backward in time to the 1990s.


January 1: Doctor Who: The 8th Doctor returns Grace and Lee to Earth and says his goodbyes.

The reality series "Big Brother UK" begins airing on Channel Four in Britain; the UK version of the game show "The Weakest Link" also debuts on BBC 2. Deadly versions of these programs will run in the far future on the Game Station.

Historical records and "Bad Wolf."

The 12-year old Sean Harris, sneaking a cigarette, accidentally burns down a neighbour's shed. This earns him the nickname "Bernie".

"Ghost Machine" (TW).

Chloe Webber is born.

Chloe is 12 years old at the time of "Fear Her" (2012).

December 25: Something bad which could happen to Chang Lee on this date may be prevented by the 8th Doctor's interference earlier this year.

In Doctor Who, the Doctor warns Lee "don't be [in San Francisco]" at this time.


September: A Cardiff woman named Lucy Marmer is killed by the alien calling itself "Mary", her ribs shattered and her heart torn out and consumed.

As seen during Owen's investigations in "Greek Bearing Gifts" (TW).


Mickey Smith's grandmother falls down a flight of stairs and dies.

"About five years" before "Rise of the Cybermen".

The reality makeover television program "What Not to Wear" debuts on BBC 2. A version of the show will be broadcast in the far future through the Game Station.

Historical records and "Bad Wolf."

The children's program "Balamory", featuring the adventures of the inhabitants of the fictional Scottish island of Balamory, debuts on BBC Two. The 10th Doctor uses this island as part of his alias when visiting Scotland in 1879.

Historical records and "Tooth and Claw".

British rap artist, the Streets, releases his single "Don't Mug Yourself."

Historical records. The song is heard on a car radio in "Father's Day."


Archeologist Edgar Nelson-Stanley dies, leaving behind his widow, Bea.

Five years before "Eye of the Gorgon" (SJA) (2008).


American pop singer Britney Spears releases her hit single "Toxic."

Historical records. The song is played during "The End of the World."

Dr. Toshiko Sato is recruited to Torchwood.

Three years before "Greeks Bearing Gifts" (TW) (2007).

A London man named Clive Finch, while investigating the history of the Doctor, discovers, in the Washington (D.C.) Public Archive, a photograph of the 9th Doctor in the crowd which witnessed President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963.

The year before "Rose" (2005).


March 5: Rose: Rose Tyler awakens in her council flat in London and goes to her job at Henrik's department store.

The End of the World: Jackie Tyler recieves a phone call from her daughter Rose, unaware that the call is coming from 5 billion years in the future.

This must take place during "Rose," as Jackie mentions the lottery money that Rose deals with at the end of her work day in that episode. (This is confimed in the shooting script.)

March 5/6: Rose: A recently regenerated 9th Doctor prevents an invasion of Earth by the Nestene Consciousness and the Autons, with the assistance of Rose Tyler. After the Consciousness is apparently destroyed by a dose of "anti-plastic," Rose accepts the Doctor's offer to leave her humdrum life and join him on his travels.

The date Jackie last saw Rose is given as March 6, 2005, on one of her "missing" posters in "Aliens of London."

March 6: Love & Monsters: One witness to the Auton attack on London is Elton Pope.

March 6/7: The End of the World: The 9th Doctor and Rose leave this time to visit the far future. The following day, Rose and the Doctor return to this time for a brief visit, during which the Doctor reveals to Rose that he is the last of his kind.

Date of the Doctor and Rose's brief return is conjectural, but seems likely (the year is confirmed by the shooting script).

Feeling a need to unwind after their adventure 5 billion years in the future, the 9th Doctor and Rose have some chips.

Just after "The End of the World."

After Rose leaves with the Doctor, she is presumed missing. Her mother Jackie begins searching for her, suspecting Rose's boyfriend Mickey of possible involvement. The police also consider Mickey a likely murder suspect, bringing him in for questioning no less that five times over the next year. Mickey, aware of Rose's true fate, begins to do research into the Doctor and his involvement in human history and waits for Rose's return.

All over the year following "Rose," as revealed in "Aliens of London."

Donna Noble begins a two-year temp stint at a double-glazing firm.

Two years before "The Runaway Bride" (2007).

Torchwood employee Suzie Costello begins attending meeting of Pilgrim, a religious support group. She confides her secrets to fellow member Max every week, giving him an amnesia pill after each talk. Suzie also begins brainwashing Max, burying certain triggers in his mind, as part of plan to resurrect herself in the event of her death.

Two years before "They Keep Killing Suzie" (TW) (2007).

Over the next two years, a number of vehicles are found abandoned at a house called Wester Drumlins, the owners apparently victims of the Weeping Angels. Eventually, the TARDIS will be included among them.

"Over the last two years" before "Blink" (2007).


The Slitheen launch their ship from the North Sea, sending it on a course that will cause it to loop around and crash land in London.

Approximately two days before "Aliens of London."

March: Aliens of London; World War Three: By this time, the alien family the Slitheen of the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius, disguised as humans, have infiltrated various levels of the British government. They fake an alien ship crash-landing in the middle of London, causing UNIT and extra-terrestrial experts from around the world to be called in. The Slitheen use this deception in an attempt to gain access to Britain's nuclear weapons and start the Third World War, so they can sell the Earth's radioactive remains as spaceship fuel. Their plan is foiled by the 9th Doctor and Rose, with the assistance of Mickey and MP Harriet Jones (although 10 Downing Street is destroyed in the process).

This story takes place "twelve months" after "Rose."

Love & Monsters: Elton Pope is one of the many witnesses to the alien ship crash in London.

Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen is able to teleport herself away from 10 Downing Street moments before its destruction. Continuing to use her identity as Margaret Blaine, the Sliteeth maneuvers herself into the position of Mayor of Cardiff, Wales. She spearheads plans to build the Blaidd Drwg nuclear power plant in the heart of the city, a plant which she secretly plans to have explode, allowing her to power a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator, allowing her to leave the Earth behind. Blon/Blaine also arranges a number of "accidents" to kill anyone who begins to suspect that the plant in unsafe.

In the months between "World War Three" and "Boom Town."

Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North, is elected Prime Minister of Britain in a landslide victory, in what originally would have been the first of three successive terms, during which she will would have become "the Architect of Britain's Golden Age." However, the Doctor alters these events when, displeased by Jones' actions later this year, subtly sabotages her political careern. Between now and then, Jones spearheads a project to launch the Guinevere One Space Probe to Mars. The project is headed by Daniel Llewellyn, who includes a number of items on the probe, including a sample of A+ type human blood.

In the months between "World War Three" and "The Christmas Invasion." Harriet Jones' reduced time as Prime Minister is revealed in "The Sound of Drums".

Upset at Rose for leaving with the Doctor again, Mickey begins dating Trisha Delany, partly because "she's there and [Rose isn't]."

Again, in the months between "World War Three" and "Boom Town."

Torchwood Three member Suzie Costello salvages an alien device that allows one to "open any lock in 45 seconds".

A year before "Cyberwoman" (TW) (2007).

June: Cardiff Gazette reporter Cathy Salt becomes pregnant by her boyfriend Jeffrey.

"Boom Town."

Carys Fletcher exchanges e-mail with her friends "discussing the relative merits of Orlando Bloom and Heath Ledger".

The year before "Day One" (TW) (2007).

September: Boom Town: The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Jack visit Cardiff, Wales, to refuel the TARDIS by absorbing energy from a dimension rift running through the city. With the help of Mickey, they also discover and capture Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, disguised as Cardiff mayor Margaret Blaine and halt her plan to destroy Cardiff with a nuclear explosion, giving her the power to leave Earth. Blon pleads with the Doctor not to return her to her home world, where she will be executed for previous crimes, while still scheming to use the TARDIS to destroy Earth itself in order to gain her freedom. Her plan instead causes the TARDIS to open its console, exposing Blon to the energies inside and regressing her back to an egg, giving her a second chance at life.

This story takes place "six months" after "World War Three."

As the TARDIS departs, it leaves behind a "perception filter" on the spot where it sat. Anyone standing in this spot becomes unnoticable by anyone around them.

Revealed in "Everything Changes" (TW).

The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Jack return the egg of Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen to Raxacoricofallapatorius, leaving it in one of the planet's hatcheries.

Shortly after "Boom Town," as confirmed in "Bad Wolf."

September 19: Cardiff Gazette reporter Cathy Salt marries her boyfriend Jeffrey.

"Boom Town."

The Parting of the Ways: Rose arrives in her native time, sent back in the TARDIS by the 9th Doctor in the far future in order to protect her. Determined to return to him, she opens the TARDIS console with Mickey and Jackie's help. She is exposed to and absorbs the energies of the Time Vortex, growing immensely powerful. She uses her new abilities to pilot the ship back into the future.

November: The Krillitanes arrive from space in the area around Deffry Vale School, leading to more than 40 reported UFO sightings. The aliens replace a number of the school's staff, including the headmaster, and begin their scheme of increasing the students' intelligence for their own purposes. A new curriculum is introduced, as well as a free (but manadtory) lunch program.

Three months before "School Reunion".

November: Jackie Tyler begins seeing a merchant named Howard.

Howard's first visit to the Tyler household was "a month" before "The Christmas Invasion."

December 24/25: The Christmas Invasion: Rose returns home with a newly regenerated 10th Doctor. Soon after, the Earth is threatened by the alien Sycorax, a warrior race. The Doctor defeats the Sycorax leader in armed combat and commands his people to leave Earth alone. As they depart, British Prime Minister Harriet Jones has the Sycorax ship destroyed using a weapon run by the mysterious Torchwood orginazation, enfuriating the Doctor. Rose, initially unsure of this new Doctor, decides to continue travelling with him.

December 25: Love & Monsters: Elton Pope is once again witness to the alien activity in London. After this third experience, Elton begins to scour the internet for information on these events.

December 25: At 3:00 AM on Christmas Eve night, Tosh, waiting for a cab in front of the Millennium Centre in Cardiff, manages to get a kiss from Owen using a piece of mistletoe. It is Tosh's last kiss until at least late summer the following year.

"Countrycide" (TW).

There is some Graske activity on Earth at this time.

"A couple of years back" from "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?" (SJA) (2008). (This likely refers to the 2005 Christmas special interactive story "Attack of the Graske", which I do not consider canon.)


New Earth: The 10th Doctor and Rose leave on their adventures once again, after spending the holidays with Jackie and Mickey.

I am placing this moment early in the new year, as it obviously does not follow directly on from "The Christmas Invasion" (everyone, save the Doctor, is wearing different clothing from the close of that story), but from Rose's reactions after their trip to the future, it seems clear that travelling with the 10th Doctor is a new experience to her. Therefore, I theorize that a little bit of time has passed, coinciding with the Christmas holidays.

The 10th Doctor and Rose, called in by Mickey, infiltrate Deffry Vale School as a teacher and a lunch lady to investiate strange goings-on.

Two days before "School Reunion".

At Deffry Vale School, a teacher is stunned when a 12-year old student is able to tell him to exact height of the walls of Troy in cubits.

The day before "School Reunion".

A student at Deffry Vale School gets a headache and is sent by the school nurse to see the headmaster.

Just before "School Reunion".

January: School Reunion: The 10th Doctor, Rose and Mickey investigate strange goings-on at Deffry Vale School, encountering the Doctor's former travelling companion Sarah Jane Smith and her Mark III K-9 unit. Together, they discover that a race called the Krillitanes are deliberately increasing the intelligence of the school's children in order to use them as a giant processing device. Through the children, the Krillitanes are trying to solve the Skasis Paradigm, a Universe Theory which will give them control over all time and space. K-9 destroys the aliens at the cost of his own "life". The Doctor offers to bring Sarah with him on his travels once again, but she turns him down. Instead, Mickey joins the TARDIS crew. The Doctor leaves Sarah with a reconstructed K-9.

February 1-2: Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel: The 10th Doctor, Rose and Mickey find themselves temporarily stranded in an parallel universe, one where business tycoon and owner of Cybus Industries, John Lumic, has created that reality's version of the Cybermen.. The resistance against Lumic includes Ricky Smith (the alternate Micky) and Pete Tyler, who is alive and a successful businessman on this Earth. After striking a blow against the Cyberman threat, the Doctor and Rose return to their own reality; Mickey stays behind to continue the fight, taking the place of Ricky, who perished in battle.

February-April: Love & Monsters: Elton Pope, a young man who saw the 10th Doctor once as a child, joins a group of people (dubbed LINDA - London Investigation 'N' Detective Agency - by Elton) who have been searching for information on the Doctor. Over time, they all become close friends, focusing less on their search for the Doctor. In March, a native of the planet Clom (dubbed an Abzorbaloff - again, by Elton) intent on absorbing the Doctor and feeding on his experiences, infiltrates LINDA as a human, Victor Kennedy. Kennedy seizes control of the group, sending members out to track down the Doctor, while secretly absorbing LINDA one member at a time. While finally encountering the 10th Doctor and Rose, Elton destroys the Abzorbaloff's cane, a disguised "limiting field", causing the creature to be absorbs by the Earth itself. The Doctor is just barely able to preserve the consciousness of Ursula Blake, LINDA member and object of Elton's affection (although that consciousness remains lodged in a paving stone).

Exact months are conjecture. Victor Kennedy arrives on a "Tuesday in March" and it seems likely that some time passes both before and after his arrival.

March: Members of the Slitheen family from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius, bent on revenge for the destruction of their family members the previous year, put into motion a plot to drain the Earth of all its energy sources, including the Sun. Setting up the Coldfire Construction firm, they begin building a series of schools around the world. Each school contains a secret room with technology that, when all actived in concert with each other, will begin the power drain.

18 months before "Revenge of the Slitheen" (September 2008).

April: The newly-regenerated Master arrives in this time in the Doctor's TARDIS, having hijacked it in 100 trillion years in the future. Taking advantage of the downfall of Prime Minister Harriet Jones, he creates for himself the identity of Harold Saxon. As Saxon, the Master begins quickly rising through the political ranks of Great Britain. Knowing that the Doctor is likely to eventually track him down to this time period, the Master uses his political power for prepare for the Doctor's return and to take over the Earth. These plans include taking a wife, Lucy, bringing the Toclophane to this time from the far future and launching the Archangel communications network.

Beginning 18 months before "The Sound of Drums" and "Last of the Time Lords" (October 2008). Also, given mention of Saxon in a newspaper headline in "Love & Monsters", partly during that episode.

In the Welsh countryside, the inhabitants of a small, isolated village begin this generation's "Harvest", during which the villagers turn to cannibalism, killing people passing near the village and consuming them. The first of at least 17 victims disappears at this time.

Five months before "Countrycide."

A Void ship, containing the Cult of Skaro, emerges from the Void between parallel worlds materializes in Torchwood Tower, causing a breach between universes. Torchwood begins conducting experiments on the breach, in an attempt to harness its energy and, unbeknownst to them, slowly widening the breach. The Cybermen from the alternate Earth visited by the Doctor, Rose and Mickey take advantage of this, attempting to manifest themselves around the world as millions of "ghosts", human-shaped shimmering outlines. These manifestations become commonplace and the world's population accepts them as a regular occurrences, even believing that the ghosts are their dearly departed. Meanwhile, Torchwood is infiltrated by both a Cyberman advanced guard and some anti-Cybermen freedom fighters from the other Earth, including Mickey.

During the two months before "Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday".

Army of Ghosts/Doomsday: The 10th Doctor and Rose find themselves in a three-way conflict between Torchwood, the Cult of Skaro (a group of Daleks bred to have imagination) and millions of Cybermen from an alternative Earth. Aiding them are Jackie Tyler and the Cyberman resistance group from the alternate reality, including Micky and the parallel Pete Tyler. Torchwood is decimated, and the Doctor manages to trap the Cybermen and the Daleks in the Void between realities. Unfortunately, this leaves Rose (and her newfound family) trapped on the alternate Earth, with no way of reuniting with the Doctor.

Towards the end of the Cybermen/Dalek battle, the Cyberman, desperate for more troops, begin directly converting people rather than transplanting their brains into Cybershells. One victim of this process is Lisa Hallett, girlfriend of Ianto Jones. Ianto drags an only partly transformed Lisa away from the battle. Ianto hides her in the basement of Cardiff's Torchwood Three facility, setting up a life-support system, planning to restore her humanity.

During and following "Doomsday", as revealed in "Cyberwoman" (TW).

The Cult of Skaro is not pulled into the Void, but manage to escape via an emergency temporal shift, which deposits them in 1930s New York City.

As revealed in "Daleks in Manhattan" and "Evolution of the Daleks".

In the aftermath of what becomes known as "the Battle of Canary Wharf", Rose is listed as officially dead.

"Doomsday". The "Battle of Canary Wharf" name is first mentioned in "Everything Changes" (TW).

After the Battle of Canary Wharf, the Torchwood organization is in shambles. This leaves Captain Jack Harkness in control of Torchwood Three, based in Cardiff, with its headquarters sitting on top of the Cardiff spacetime Rift. Jack and his team continue with Torchwood's mission to collect alien artifacts and learn to exploit them for mankind's benefit. One of these artifacts is the Ressurection Gauntlet or Glove, used primarily by team member Suzie Costello. The Gauntlet allows one to revive the dead, although only for a matter of minutes. Suzie finds herself growing obsessed with making the Glove's effects permanent and secretly begins murdering people to give her opportunities to use the artifact.

In the gap between "Doomsday" and "Everything Changes" (TW).

As a result of the Institute's disarray, the Empress of the Racnoss seizes control of Torchwood's Huon particle creation project under the Thames Barrier, as well as the H.C. Clements security firm, also a Torchwood property. The Empress promises Lance, the head of Human Resources, that she will take him to explore the universe if he agrees to saturate an employee at H.C. Clements with Huon particles; Lance agrees.

Between "Doomsday" and the flashbacks in "The Runaway Bride".

June: The Runaway Bride: Donna Noble begins a temp job at H.C. Clements. Lance, the head of Human Resources, makes coffee for her on her first day, beginning a long-term plan to saturate Donna's body with Huon particles. As he continues to make Donna coffee, she falls in love with him and hounds him to marry her. Lance eventually relents, if only to keep close tabs on her.

These flashbacks take place 6 months before the main narrative of the story.

June: While Sarah Jane Smith researches volcanic activity on Earth, a geologist friend of hers sends her a crystal found on the site of Krakatoa after its 1883 eruption. The crystal is really an alien, one of the crystalline Xylok. The Xylok communicates with Sarah through her laptop, claiming to be a memory crystal from a crashed spaceship. The alien offers to help Sarah in her mission of protecting the Earth, while secretly planning to release the rest of the Xylok buried beneath the Earth's surface, even if it means destroying the world. Under the Xylok's guidance, Sarah creates the super-computer Mr. Smith, of which the Xylok becomes a part.

"18 months" before "The Lost Boy" (SJA) (December 2008).

July 21: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final book in the Harry Potter series of novels by J.K. Rowling, is published. The Doctor is particularly moved by this final installment, claiming to have cried from reading it.

Historical records and "The Shakespeare Code".

Blink: Photographer Sally Sparrow begins receiving cryptic message from the 10th Doctor and Martha, who are trapped in 1969. They, along with acquaintances of Sally, are victims of the "Weeping Angels", psychopathic hunters who hurl their targets back through time, then consume the "potential energy" of the lives their victims would have experienced in their proper time. The Angels are also only able to move when not seen by any other beings, otherwise freezing into statues. Following the Doctor's clues and instructions, Sally and her best friend's brother Larry Nightingale are able to send the TARDIS back to 1969 and defeat the Weeping Angels by forcing them to look at each other, effectively turning them permanently into statues.

Everything Changes (TW): Cardiff Police Constable Gwen Cooper stumbles onto the existence of Torchwood Three, meeting Captain Jack Harkness and his team: Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones and Suzie Costello. It is discovered that Suzie has been murdering people in order to practice using the temporarily life-giving Ressurection Gauntlet. Suzie kills herself in despair. During the confrontation with Suzie, Gwen discovers that Jack is immortal and cannot be killed. Jack invites Gwen to take Suzie's place as part of the Torchwood team and she accepts.

Day One (TW): Gwen has her first mission as part of the Torchwood team. The group tracks down an gaseous alien life form that has inhabited a young woman named Carys Fletcher. The alien drives Carys to have sexual relations with several men; when the men reach orgasm, the alien drains the sexual energy from them, reducing the victims to nothing but powder. Gwen offers herself as a host for the being. When it is between bodies, Jack traps the alien in a force field and it dies within moments.

Sean "Bernie" Harris finds himself in possession of a quantum transducer, which allows him to see visions of emotional events in both the past and the future. Bernie uses this to his advantage, blackmailing people he sees doing wrong in the visions, including Ed Morgan. Ed Morgan refuses to pay. Bernie also sees his own death, not far in the potential future, after which he stops using that component of the transducer.

Some time before "Ghost Machine" (TW).

Ghost Machine (TW): The Torchwood team acquires a quantum transducer from petty crook Sean "Bernie" Harris. This allows a person to view emotionally charged events from the past. Owen tracks down Ed Morgan, whom he saw kill a young woman in one vision and confronts him about his crime. Morgan believes that Owen has something to do with Bernie, who earlier tried to blackmail the killer, and Morgan decides to kill Bernie. The team track down Bernie and acquire another component of the transducer, which allows one to view events in the future. Bernie is terrified as he has seen his own, soon to occur, death. The team is able to intercept Morgan before he can kill Bernie, but Morgan kills himself by throwing himself on a knife Gwen is holding.

Cyberwoman (TW): The Torchwood team discovers that Ianto has been hiding his girlfriend, Lisa Hallett, in the basement of Torchwood Three. Lisa was partly transformed into a Cybermen during the Battle of Canary Whaft and Ianto has been seeking a way to restore her humanity. Unfortunately, Lisa embarks on a rampage and Ianto, realizing that Lisa's humanity has left her, is forced to kill her himself. During the battle with Lisa, the team sees Jack apparently killed multiple times and resurrected.

Small Worlds (TW): The Torchwood team encounters a group of "fairies", murderous time-spanning beings who abduct children they call Chosen Ones and transform them into more "fairies". Jack decides that letting the beings take young Jasmine Pierce is the only way to stop future attacks.

Random Shoes (TW): Eugene Jones approaches the Torchwood team, something he regularly does, and is once again ignored. This time, he meets Gwen for the first time and develops a crush on her.

Exact placement of this flashback is conjectural. Between this and the main narrative of "Random Shoes", it's likely that at least a few months have passed, as Gwen seems quite familiar with Eugene, even speaking to his mother as if they are known to each other.

Countrycide (TW): The Torchwood team investigates multiple disappearances in the Welsh countryside, suspecting alien involvement. However, they discover that the missing people are really victims of a group of insane cannibles in a small, isolated village. Horrified by the experience, and unable to share the Torchwood side of her life with her boyfriend Rhys, Gwen starts an affair with Owen.

Greeks Bearing Gifts (TW): The Torchwood team unearths a teleporter used to send an alien prisoner to earth in 1812. Believing it is finally safe for her to return her, the alien, inhabiting a human body and calling herself "Mary", gives Toshiko a mind-reading device. Mary, who had killed one human a year since her arrival to maintain her present form, then manipulates Toshiko into allowing her inside the Torchwood Hub. Jack gives the alien killer the transporter device, but alters it to send Mary into the heart of the Sun.

Max, a man brainwashed by Suzie Costello during their time together in religious support group Pilgrim, kills fellow Pilgrim member Alex Arwyn.

The day before "They Keep Killing Suzie" (TW).

Max, following Suzie's programming, kills fellow Pilgrim members Mark and Sara Briscoe.

Shortly before "They Keep Killing Suzie" (TW).

They Keep Killing Suzie (TW): A series of murders, apparently tied to Torchwood, lead the team to a connection with the deceased Suzie Costello. To question Suzie, the Resurrection Gauntlet is used by Gwen but, to the team's suprise, Suzie, rather than returning for only a few moments, stays alive. Suzie persuades Gwen to take her away from the Torchwood Hub to see her dying father; however, Suzie kills her father while she slowly drains Gwen's life-force. The team discover that the murders and everything connected with them was carefully orchestrated by Suzie to resurrect her if she should die. Tosh destroys the Resurrection Gauntlet; Suzie instantly dies and Gwen's life-force is restored.

Human Nature: The 10th Doctor and Martha briefly encounter a group of hostile, incorporeal aliens who call themselves "the Family of Blood". Having very short lifespans without inhabiting a physical body, they decide that a Time Lord's form would be ideal and attempt to possess the Doctor. The Doctor believes that he must hide somewhere in history as an actual human being to evade the Family. Explaining his plan to Martha, the Doctor begins the process of becoming human.

"Mr. Smith" says that his dream of these events took place in "the year of our Lord 2007".

Eugene Jones uses the internet to discover his estranged father's whereabouts and is disappointed to learn that he is only a cashier at a garage not that far from Eugene's home, rather than working for a large American company, as he previously believed. Disillusioned, Eugene decides to sell his Dogon Sixth Eye on eBay and use the money to help his co-worker Linda fulfill her dream of going to Australia.

During the two weeks before "Random Shoes" (TW).

Random Shoes (TW): Unknown to him, two of his acquaintances, Gary and Josh, begin making false bids on Eugene Jones' Dogon Sixth Eye, which he is selling on eBay. The price suddenly jumps to £15,000 from a legitimate buyer, but Gary and Josh make one last false bid, ruining the sale. When Eugene meets the "buyers", Josh demands he give them the Eye, as they plan to sell it instead. Angry, Eugene swallows the Eye, runs away and accidentally run over by a car. The Torchwood team, mostly Gwen, investigate his death while, unknown to her, Eugene's "ghost" follows her around, himself trying to remember how he died; the truth is finally brought to light. At Eugene's funeral, he is able to physically manifest to save Gwen from a speeding. Eugene is able to look his family in the eye one last time before apparently passing on to the afterlife.

General Uvlavad Kudlak of the bug-like Uvodni and Mark Grantham, under command of "the Mistress" (Kudlak's ship's battle computer), begin abducting children through the Combat 3000 laser-tag chain of arcades to fight in the Uvodni's war with the Malak Empire. Over the next year, at least 24 abductees are taken from Manchester, Leeds, Inverness, Brighton and London.

A year before "Warriors of Kudlak" (SJA) (2008).

December: Out of Time (TW): The Torchwood team intercepts a small aircraft that has come through the Cardiff Rift from 1953. The team tries to help the pilot, Diane Holmes, and her passengers, Emma-Louise Cowell and John Ellis, adapt to living in this new time, with some team members growing especially close to their charges. Jack strikes up a friendship with John, both men outside their time; however, John is unable to adjust and commits suicide. Gwen takes on a motherly role towards young Emma, but must learn to let go when Emma find a job in London. And Owen and Diane fall in love, but Owen is heartbroken with Diane decides to leave in her plane and take her chances flying through the Rift.

December 24: Doomsday: The 10th Doctor manages to find one small crack in the Void between universes, which lasts just long enough for him and Rose to have a tearful farewell.

December 24-25: The Runaway Bride: Immediately after his farewell with Rose, the 10th Doctor impossibly finds a bride, Donna Noble, in the TARDIS console room. Returning her to Earth, they together discover that Donna has been slowly fed Huon particles (which is what attracted her to the TARDIS) by her duplicitous fiancé, Lance, who is working for the spider-like Empress of the Racnoss. The last of her race, the Empress plans to use the properly activated Huon particles to resurrect her "children", laying dormant in the core of the Earth itself. The Doctor destroys the Empress' facility and the Empress herself is killed when her spaceship is shot down by the armed forces. The Doctor asks Donna to travel with him, but she declines, frightened by the danger inherent in the Doctor's lifestyle.


January: Combat (TW): The Torchwood team discover that Weevils are being abducted by humans. After an apparent murder using an abducted Weevil, Owen (who ends his affair with Gwen) is sent undercover as a businessman to discover who is doing this. He encounters Mark Lynch, founder of a "fight club" where angry, purposeless young businessmen do battle in a cage against Weevils. Owen, despondent over Diane leaving, willingly enters the cage, possibly expecting to die. Before the fight can properly begin, the rest of the team enters to put an permanent end to the fighting. However, Lynch manages to enter the cage and is killed by a Weevil.

The Torchwood team receives a number of anonymous tips, likely from Bilis Manger, about a possible haunting at the Ritz dance hall.

Prior to "Captain Jack Harkness" (TW).

Captain Jack Harkness (TW): Captain Jack and Tosh, investigating strange noises from the abandoned Ritz dance hall in Cardiff, find themselves sent back in time to 1941, where they encounter the original Captain Jack Harkness. Owen, as second in command, decides to use Torchwood Three's Rift manipulator to retrieve them, secretly hoping to use the machine to also bring back his time-lost lover Diane Holmes. Gwen finds most of the equations necessary to safely open the Rift left at the Ritz by Tosh in 1941. However, the final key numbers have been vandalised by Bilis Manger, the time-travelling manager and caretaker of the Ritz. Owen decides to attempt a Rift opening anyway, despite Ianto's belief that there could be disastrous side-effects. Ianto shoots Owen in the shoulder, but Owen manages still to open the Rift, bringing Jack and Tosh back to the present.

End of Days (TW): As a result of the Cardiff Rift being opened to return Jack and Tosh to their proper present, time across the globe begin to splinter, causing artifacts and beings from the past and the future to manifest in 2008. While attempting to deal with the ensuing chaos, Torchwood Team members see visions of lost loved ones, actually sent by Bilis Manger, urging them to open the Rift further, claiming it will reverse the splintering effects. However, once this is done, it frees a giant, demonic being named Abaddon, whose shadow kills all those it touches. The immortal Jack places himself in Abaddon's shadow, overwhelming the demon with his unlimited life-force and killing it. The Rift is also resealed. After Jack recovers, he senses the approach of the TARDIS and quickly leaves the Torchwood Hub.

Utopia: The 10th Doctor and Martha park the TARDIS on the Cardiff Rift to repower the ship. Captain Jack Harkness, detecting the Doctor's presence, runs for the ship and grabs onto it as it dematerialises, causing it to hurtle out of control to the far, far future.

Blink: Sally Sparrow briefly meets the 10th Doctor and Martha, giving them detailed notes of their encounters with the Weeping Angels, an adventure in Sally's past, but the Doctor and Martha's future.

Alan and Chrissie Jackson break up, eventually divorcing, with Alan gaining custody of their daughter Maria.

In "Eye of the Gorgon" (SJA), Alan told Chrissie that she "took [Maria's] world apart six months ago".

August: Invasion of the Bane (SJA): Young Maria Jackson and her newly divorced father, Alan, move into their new home on Bannerman Drive, across from Sarah Jane Smith. Sarah Jane and Maria, along with another young girl, Kelsey Harper, discover that the popular soft drink, Bubble Shock!, has been contaminated with samples of the Bane Mother, a huge tentacled alien, in an attempt to control the Earth's population. During their investigations, they encounter "the Archtype", an artificial young boy created by the Bane from the strengths and weaknesses of all the scanned visitors to the Bubble Shock! factory, in an attempt to make the drink palatable to the 2% of the population that does not enjoy the taste. Together, all four defeat the Bane, destroying the Mother with an alien communication device. Sarah Jane adopts the Archetype, who chooses the name Luke for himself.

This story takes place at least "a year and a half" after the events of "School Reunion". "Revenge of the Slitheen" takes place not long after "Bane", at the start of the school year in September, hence the August dating here.

September: Revenge of the Slitheen (SJA): 1,2: Maria Jackson and Luke Smith start the school year at their new school, Park Vale. With Sarah Jane Smith and their new friend Clyde Langer, they foil a revenge plot by the Raxacoricofallapatorian Slitheen family (disguised as Parki Vale faculty and students) to drain the Earth of all its energy sources, including the Sun.

Five months pass between "Invasion of the Bane" (SJA) and "The Lost Boy" (SJA). This nicely allows for roughly one adventure per month for SJA series one, hence the monthly dating for episodes following this one (save for "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?" and "The Lost Boy", which follow each other almost immediately).

A handful of the Slitheen are able to teleport away before the explosion at Park Vale school, including Korst Gogg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen, who vows revenge for the death of his father. These Slitheen are contacted by Mr. Smith, who claims to have formulated a plan that will give them their revenge on Sarah Jane, as well as give them a supply of telekinetic energy they can sell to other world. Unknown to the Slitheen, this is all really part of Mr. Smith's plan to crack open the Earth, freeing the Xylok buried beneath the Earth's crust.

Some time after "Revenge of the Slitheen" (SJA), as revealed in "The Lost Boy" (SJA).

A Zantoxian trade vessel passes throught Earth's solar system. Mr. Smith accesses the ship's computer for information, which includes information on General Uvlavad Kudlak.

Two months before "Warriors of Kudlak" (SJA).

October: Eye of the Gorgon (SJA): 1,2: Sarah Jane, Luke, Maria and Clyde encounter a Gorgon, a parasitic alien able to turn people into stone. Disguised as the Abbess of a nunnery near the Lavender Lawns nursing home, the Gorgon sends mesmerised nuns to the nursing home in search of a talisman which will allow others of the Gorgon's race to invade Earth and use humankind as hosts. Sarah and her team, with the help of Lavender Lawns resident Bea Nelson-Stanley, foil the plot, releasing the nuns from Gorgon control.

The Doctor detects plasma cores sitting at various positions around Royal Hope Hospital. He check himself into the hospital under the name John Smith, complaining of severe abdominal cramps, in order to investigate.

The day before "Smith and Jones".

October: Smith and Jones: The 10th Doctor meets medical student Martha Jones when the Royal Hope Hospital in London is transported to the Moon by the rhinoceros-like Judoon. The Judoon, a mercenary police force, are seeking any non-humans in the hospital as they hunt down a criminal shapechanging plasmovore. The Doctor, with Martha's help, manages to evade the Judoon, expose the plasmavore and foil the plasmavore's attempt to blow up the hospital. After the Judoon return the hospital to Earth, the Doctor invites Martha to join him for a ride in the TARDIS and she accepts.

October: The Lazarus Experiment: The 10th Doctor and Martha, along with Martha's family, are part of a crowd viewing of an experiment by Professor Richard Lazarus. The 76-year old Lazarus seemingly makes himself young again but the experiment mutates his DNA, activating long dormant characteristics within his genes, turning Lazarus into a huge, grotesque creature that sucks the life force out of its victims. The Doctor and Martha, with the aid of Marth's sister Tish, are able to defeat Lazarus, but unable to prevent the Professor's death.

This episode starts the morning after "Smith and Jones".

October: 42: Francine Jones receives a series of phone calls from her daughter Martha, not realizing that Martha is calling from the 42nd century. At least one of the calls is monitored, with Francine's knowledge, by representatives of Prime Ministerial candidate Mr. Saxon.

These scenes take place on Election Day, established as the day before "The Sound of Drums".

October: The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords: The 10th Doctor, Martha and Jack arrive from 100 trillion years in the future, searching for the Master and the Doctor's TARDIS. The discover that, thanks to the Archangel communications network spreading a low-level telepathic field around the world, the newly-elected Prime Minister of Great Britian, Harold Saxon, is actually the Master. "Saxon" claims to have made contact with a friendly aliens species, the Toclafane, in reality the insane, self-cannibalised remnants of humanity from near the end of time. The Master uses the Doctor's TARDIS, transformed into a paradox machine, to allow the Toclafane to slaughter their own ancestores without cancelling out their existence, giving the Master dominion over the Earth. The Doctor, an aged captive of the Master on board the UNIT airship Valiant, sends Martha on a mission around the world which culminates with the destruction of the paradox machine in a year's time. This causes a temporal paradox to reassert itself, reversing time, erasing the Toclafane from this time period and restoring the timeline. Only those on board the Valiant remember the events of the alternative timeline. The Master's wife, Lucy Saxon, shoots the Master fatally. Despite the Doctor's begging, the Master refuses to regenerate and dies in the Doctor's arms. Martha decides to leave the Doctor, staying with her family, although she does leave her mobile phone with the Doctor, should she ever need to contact him again.

This story takes place four days after "Smith and Jones" and a sign visible at the end of "Last of the Time Lords"

In the timeline created by the Master's takeover of the Earth, Marth Jones travels the world for the next 365 days. She sees the Master's likeness carved into Mount Rushmore, the ruins of New York, the fusion pits of China and the total destruction of Japan. While on her journey, Martha tells as many survivors as possible about the Doctor, also telling them to pass on her stories and to think of the Doctor at a certain time, on a certain day in October 2009. Meanwhile, the captive Doctor begins to tune himself into the psychic network created by the Archangel satellite system.

As explained in "Last of the Time Lords".

November: The Family of Blood: The 10 Doctor and Martha attend a Remembrance Day ceremony, where they are seen by an elderly, wheelchair-bound Tim Latimer, who holds the fob watch they gave to him in 1913.

Placement in 2008 is conjectural. The scene is obviously near-contemporary.

November: Warriors of Kudlak (SJA): 1,2: Sarah Jane, Luke, Maria and Clyde investigate the disappearances of several children, all linked to Combat 3000, a chain of laser-tag arcades. The children are being abducted by General Kudlak of the Euvodnie race, to fight in the Euvodnie's war with the Malak Empire. Sarah Jane and her friends reveal to Kudlak that his ship's computer has been lying to him; the war ended a decade before. Kudlak destroys the computer, frees the current Combat 3000 recruits, and vows to recover and free as many previous abductees as possible.

November: Sarah Jane Smith helps a stranded alien "soothsayer" leave Earth. As thanks, the alien gives Sarah Jane a puzzle box and tells her to "give it to the person that you trust the most".

"The other week" before "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?" (SJA).

December: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? (SJA): 1,2: Sarah Jane is eliminated from the timeline after 1964 and replaced by Sarah's friend Andrea Yates by the Trickster, a being that feeds on chaos. Sarah's absence ensures that a meteor will crash into the Earth, destroying the planet and giving the Trickster huge amounts of chaos to consume. Fortunately, Maria is protected from the alteration by an alien artifact, leaving her the only person who remembers how things should be. The Trickster then eliminates Maria, but her father Alan remembers her because of the same alien device. Alan is able to retrieve a weapon from a Graske serving the Trickster, which he uses to bring Maria back. Together, they convince Andrea to sacrifice herself, trading places with Sarah Jane in 1964 and restoring the timeline. At the last moment, Sarah uses Mr. Smith to deflect the meteor. Alan is now aware of the strange adventures his daughter has been sharing with Sarah Jane.

December: The Lost Boy (SJA): 1,2: The Slitheen return, posing as a human couple and gaining custody of Luke, whom they claim is really their abducted son, "Ashley". This is all part of a plan by Sarah Jane's computer Mr. Smith, really an alien Xylok, attempting to fulfill its "purpose", the release of the rest of the crystalline Xylok buried beneath Earth's surface. Mr. Smith uses Luke's mental abilities, coupled with a telekinesis focusing device, to pull the Moon towards the Earth; such a collision would crack the planet open, releasing the rest of the Xylok. Sarah Jane and her friends, with a quick assist from K-9, defeat Mr. Smith and the Moon resumes its proper orbit. After being infected by a virus adapted by Alan Jackson, Mr. Smith reboots, with a new purpose: protect the Earth.

This is four or five months after "Invasion of the Bane" (SJA), as "Jay" and "Heidi" claim their son has been missing for five.

December: After the alien-related disasters of the previous two Christmases, much of London is evacuated to avoid a possible further attack, although the Queen steadfastly refuses to abandon Buckingham Place.

Shortly before "Voyage of the Damned".

December 25: Voyage of the Damned: The 10th Doctor finds himself on board a space cruiser based on the Titanic. The flight is sabotaged by Max Capricorn, owner of the cruiser's company, as revenge for being recently voted off his own board. Capricorn's scheme, as well as killing all on board the cruiser, would also destroy all life on Earth in the ship's resultant crash. Although, the Doctor is unable to save most on board the ship, he steers the Titanic away from Earth in the nick of time. Waitress Astrid Peth, whom the Doctor has invited to join him on his travels, sacrifices herself to destroy Capricorn. The Doctor is able to resurrect her using a teleporter but only partially; she exists in bewildered spectral form and the Doctor sets her atoms free to roam through space as energy.


A man named Gareth is head of a seismology unit at UCLA. He develops a earthquake detection technique which will save the human race a number of times.

Ten years after Doctor Who (1999).

October: Last of the Time Lords: In the alternative timeline created by the Master conquering the Earth in 2008, Martha Jones allows herself to be captured by the Master, after spending a year travelling the world. When the time comes, everyone on Earth that Martha told about the Doctor, thinks of the Time Lord at the same time. Their thoughts about the Doctor are amplified by the Archangel satellite network, rejuvenating the aged, shrivelled Doctor. While the Doctor and the Master fight each other, Captain Jack is able to destroy the Master's Paradox Machine, cancelling out this timeline and reversing time one year.

365 days after "The Sound of Drums".


Scientists working for Henry van Statten cultivate presumably alien bacteria from a "Russian crater," leading to the discovery for a cure for the common cold. This discovery is kept secret by van Statten, who plans to sell only palliatives based on the cure.

A year before "Dalek" (2012).

The abusive husband and father of Trish and Chloe Webber dies in a car crash.

One year before "Fear Her" (2012).


Adam Mitchell sees his mother for the last time in six months.

According to Adam's mother in "The Long Game."

Dalek: The 9th Doctor and Rose follow a distress signal to an underground bunker in Utah in the United States. There, they discover a lone Dalek, apparently the last survivor of a Time War between the Daleks and the Time Lords, being held captive by billionaire Henry van Statten as part of his large collection of extraterrestrial artefacts. The Dalek frees itself after absorbing DNA from Rose to strengthen itself and goes on a rampage through the bunker. Distraught at being the last of its kind and considering itself "contaminated" from its contact with Rose, the Dalek self-destructs. Van Statten's alien artefact expert, Adam Mitchell, joins the Doctor and Rose when they leave.

Henry van Statten's assistant, Diana Goddard, disgusted by her employer's behaviour, has van Statten mind-wiped, planning to dump him "somewhere beginning with 'S'." Van Statten's underground base is also closed and filled in with cement.

Shortly after "Dalek."

The Long Game: Adam Mitchell's parents unknowingly receive a message on their answering machine from their son in the year 200 000, including information about future technology. Shortly after, the 9th Doctor, Rose and Adam arrive in the TARDIS. Disappointed by the young man's actions, the Doctor destroys the answering machine and leaves Adam behind.

July 21: A single Isolus is accidentally seperated from its family riding through space, its ship crashing on Earth. The empathic being feels the emotion loneliness of young Chloe Webber and bonds with her, giving her the ability to trap people in drawings. To alleviate their loneliness, they begin to "abduct" local children.

Six days before "Fear Her".

July 26: Chloe Webber draws a nightmare version of her late, abusive father in her closet.

The day before "Fear Her".

July 27: Fear Her: The 10th Doctor and Rose arrive in London to witness the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games. However, they are distracted when they visit a street where several children have recently gone missing. They discover that the culprit is Chloe Webber, a 12-year old girl who has combined with a tiny, highly empathic alien creature called an Isolus. The Isolus gives Chloe the ability to trap anyone or anything into a drawing, or to make a drawing become real. The Isolus is lost, away from her 4 billion siblings in space and Chloe feels distant and removed from her mother as a result of the abuse she suffered at the hands of her late father. The loneliness they both feel drives them to trap "friends" in drawings, eventually attempting to transform the entire planet. Using both the heat of and the good feelings associated with the Olympic Torch, the Isolus' ship is reactivated, allowing the alien to leave Chloe's body at return to her family. Chloe and her mother begin to grow close again, after fending off a horrific live drawing of Chloe's father.

July 27, 2012, is the planned date for the start of the Olympic Games in London.

The 2012 Olympic Games take place in London. According to the Doctor, Papau New Guinea will "surprise everyone" in the shot put event.

"Fear Her".


The microprocessor is made obsolete, replaced by a system called Single Molecule Transcription, or SMT.

"The Long Game."


A space capsule, containing three Daleks, crash-lands and buries itself on the planet Vulcan.

200 years before "The Power of the Daleks" (2220).


The Enemy of the World: 1,2,3,4,5,6: In Australia, the 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Victoria encounter Salamander, a ruthless leader who is the Doctor's double. By impersonating Salamander, the Doctor prevents him from taking control of the Earth by causing numerous natural disasters. Salamander manages to get on board the TARDIS, and cause it to dematerialize without closing the doors.

Although the date is not given in the story, most other chronologies use this year, taken from the novelization.


During the time of its 15th Emperor, the Doctor visits the Draconian Empire. He cures a great plague affecting the Empire. As a result, the Emperor proclaims the Doctor a noble of the Draconian Empire.

500 years before "Frontier in Space" (2540).


Galactic Salvage and Insurance is founded in London.

"Nightmare of Eden."


The Moonbase: 1,2,3,4: The 2nd Doctor, Polly, Ben and Jamie encounter the Cybermen on a weather station on the Moon. The Cybermen plan to use the station's weather control device, the Gravitron, to destroy the Earth by altering its weather drastically. The Doctor turns the Gravitron on the Cybermen, driving them away.


In an alternate timeline where a series of wars has left the Earth in ruins, a group of Daleks from the future find it simple to conquer Earth. They turn the Earth into a giant factory, taking whatever they need.

100 years after "Day of the Daleks" (1973).


On the planet Manussa, the crystal called the Great Mind's Eye, which created the Mara 300 years previously, is removed from its focal point, driving the Mara away, possibly to Deva Loka.

500 years before "Snakedance" (2582). Deva Loka is from "Kinda."

Around this time, an Earth prison colony is founded on the planet of Varos. A complicated set of rules and regulations for the governing of the colony is established.

The Governor says that Varos has been "stable" for more than 200 years at the time of "Vengeance on Varos" (2284).


Seabase 4 synch-operator Michaels is electrocuted during routine maintenance. He is replaced by Maddox.

Some time before "Warriors of the Deep."

Warriors of the Deep: 1,2,3,4: A group of Silurians and Sea Devils take control of Seabase 4, an underwater military base, intending to launch a number of missiles, starting a world war; the Silurians intend to reclaim the Earth when all human life is destroyed in the conflict. The 5th Doctor, Tegan and Turlough help to prevent the launch.


The Seeds of Death: 1,2,3,4,5,6: T-Mat has completely replaced rocket travel and is controlled from the Moonbase. A group of Ice Warriors take over the Moonbase and send to Earth a number of oxygen-sapping seeds in preparation to colonize the Earth. The 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Zoe destroy the seeds and defeat the Ice Warriors. As a result of this event, rockets begin to come into use again.

Dating for this story is uncertain. It apparently takes place sometime in the 21st century, and the end of a period during which mankind has abandoned space travel. I theorize that this period happens as a result of the destruction of the Graviton in "The Moonbase," and place this story 20 years later.


London-based Galactic Salvage and Insurance goes bankrupt and is liquidated.

"Nightmare of Eden."


The End of the World: The 9th Doctor and Rose make a momentary stop-over on Earth in this year but do not leave the TARDIS before continuing on.


Paradise Towers: 1,2,3,4: The 7th Doctor and Mel visit the residential complex of Paradise Towers. The Towers have been isolated from the outside world for years; conditions have deteriorated and the residents have broken down into several "tribes," always at odds with one another. The Doctor and Mel help to unite the different groups and to defeat Kroagnon, the architect of the Towers, who is attempting to kill off all the inhabitants.

Placement here is somewhat conjectural. The Doctor says that Paradise Towers won some awards "back in the 21st century," implying the story takes place after that. However, it cannot be to long after, judging by the age of the Kangs.


Professor Tryst's zoological expedition is on the planet Eden. The expedition includes Tryst's assistant Della, and Stott, with whom she is in love. Unknown to the others, Stott is in the Intelligence Section of the Space Corps, tracking drug-smugglers. Tryst, in reality the smuggler, shoots Stott, leaving him for dead. Stott survives, however, and is trapped in the section of Eden placed on Tryst's CET (Continuous Event Transmitter) crystal, where he will remain for at least the next 6 months.

Approximately 183 days before "Nightmare of Eden."

Nightmare of Eden: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor, the 2nd Romana and K-9 Mark II help separate two starships merged together in a hyperspace accident. They discover that the accident was staged to allow a transfer of the highly addictive drug Vraxoin between Professor Tryst on the Empress and Dymond on the Hecate. Tryst had discovered a source of Vraxoin in the Mandrel of the planet Eden and was using the "accident" to transfer the creatures, stored on a recording crystal, unnoticed. The time-travellers expose the smugglers.

At the time of this story, Galactic Salvage and Insurance has been out of business for 20 years, since 2096.


The rocket ship Silver Carrier is reported overdue and will not be found for almost two and a half months.

Nine weeks before "The Wheel in Space."

Around this time, Milo Clancy loses the ID registration for his ship, the LIZ 79.

Thirty years prior to "The Space Pirates" (2150).

The Wheel in Space: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 2nd Doctor and Jamie prevent a take-over of the Wheel in Space by a group of Cybermen. They are aided by the crew of the Wheel, one of whom, Zoe Herriot, decides to join the Doctor in his travels.

Date is conjecture. I am arbitrarily placing this story 30 years after the reintroduction of space travel at the end of "The Seeds of Death" (2090).

The Evil of the Daleks (repeat): 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 2nd Doctor uses a thought projector to warn Zoe of the dangers she may encounter if she joins him by showing her his most recent encounter with the Daleks..

The War Games: 10: Zoe is returned to her native time by the Time Lords, with no memory of her travels with the Doctor.


Mankind colonizes the planet Delta Magna. The natives are forcibly relocated to the planet's third moon, and some Earth species are introduced into Delta Magna III's marshy environment, including a number of squid.

"The Power of Kroll." This is 200 years before the first manifestation of Kroll in 2328; as the length of time between Kroll's appearances, I am going back another 200 years for the introduction of the squids into Delta Magna III's ecosystem.


Caven and his space pirates begins raiding argonite mining ships and taking their cargo. Milo Clancy is one of the hardest hit.

Two years before "The Space Pirates" (2150).


The Space Pirates: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Zoe, with the aid of space mining pioneer Milo Clancy, break up Caven's ring of space pirates, and rescue Clancy's old partner.

Date is conjecture. This story seems to take place around one of Earth's expansionistic phases, and Clancy's "pioneer" appearance and attitude hints that it is one of the earlier periods. As a result, I am placing this story in the middle of the 22nd century.


The Meddling Monk visits a bank where he deposited 200 pounds in 1968 and collects a fortune in compound interest.

"The Time Meddler." Although the Monk's notes say this happens 200 years after 1968, that would be during the Daleks' occupation of Earth from 2164 to 2174, so I'm pushing it back to shortly before the Dalek invasion.

The Daleks bombard the Earth with meteorites infested with a plague which wipes out large portions of life. As a result, the Earth breaks up into much smaller communities which are unable to resist when a Dalek invasion force lands six months later.

"The Dalek Invasion of Earth." Date comes from the calendar found by Ian.


In an alternate timeline where the Daleks rule Earth, a group of rebels gain access to plans for the Daleks' time-machines and plan to use them to travel back and prevent the wars which allowed the Daleks to take over.

Shortly before "Day of the Daleks."

Day of the Daleks: 1,2,3,4: The 3rd Doctor and Jo visit an alternate timeline where the Daleks have taken total control of the Earth. This timeline is wiped out when a peace conference in 1973 is saved from an explosion.

The Doctor says that the technology he finds is 200 years ahead of 1973.


The Dalek Invasion of Earth: World's End; The Daleks; Day of Reckoning; The End of Tomorrow; The Waking Ally; Flashpoint: The 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara help rebel forces to defeat the Daleks' plan to remove the Earth's core to make the planet a movable base. Susan stays behind with David Campbell, a rebel she has fallen in love with.

Ten years after the Daleks' 2164 invasion.


On the planet Tara, a great plague wipes out nine-tenths of the world's population. Once the plague runs its course, it is decided to replace the dead with a number of androids.

200 years prior to "The Androids of Tara" (2378).


The Arrow-class exploration ship Hydrax is pulled through a CVE into E-Space, crashing on an unnamed world. This world is home to the Great Vampire, the last of a race of Vampire destroyed by the Time Lords thousands of years previously. The Great Vampire takes control of the Hydrax crew, who become rulers over the village of peasants the Vampire feeds off of.

Date is conjecture. The Hydrax is an exploration vessel, so I am placing these events during this century, one of Earth's earlier exploratory periods.


On the planet Vulcan, Deputy Governor Quinn secretly contacts Earth, asking for an Examiner to come the Vulcan and help deal with the rebels. Around the same time, a space capsule containing three Daleks in found buried in a swamp by colonists on the planet Vulcan.

Shortly before "The Power of the Daleks."

The Power of the Daleks: 1,2,3,4,5,6: On the Earth colony Vulcan, the 2nd Doctor, Polly and Ben discover a group of Daleks pretending to serve the colonists. Head of Security Bragen and a group of rebels are also "using" the Daleks against each other. The Doctor manages to overload the Daleks' power systems, but not before most of the colonists are killed.

Date is borrowed from the timeline in Jean-Marc Lofficier's Terrestrial Index.


On the planet Argolis, a warrior named Theron starts a war with the Foamasi, a race of reptiles living on a neighbouring planet. The war lasts for twenty minutes, during which Argolis is transformed into a radioactive wasteland by two thousand interplanetary missiles. As a result of the war, the Argolins age erratically and become sterile. They begin to experiment in tachyonics in an effort to perpetuate their race.

"The Leisure Hive."


On the planet Argolin, after Pangol's creation, a moratorium is called on the use of tachyonics.

20 years prior to "The Leisure Hive" (2290).


Vengeance on Varos: 1,2 ("long" episodes) or 1,2,3,4 ("short" episodes): In need of the mineral zeiton-7 to power the TARDIS, the 6th Doctor and Peri visit the planet Varos, one of the few worlds with zeiton-7 deposits. The planet is run by an archaic and oppressive system of government left over from the days when Varos was a prison colony; it is also being oppressed by the Galatron Mining Corporation, who are hiding zeiton-7's true value from the Varosians. The Doctor and Peri help rebel forces to reform the government, and free Varos from its corporate oppressor.

Peri says that her time (1985) is "nearly three centuries" before this story.


The Leisure Hive: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor and the 2nd Romana visit the Leisure Hive on the planet Argolis. While there, they help the Foamasi ambassador capture renegades from his world attempting to sabotage the Hive and forcing the Argolins to sell-out to them. They also prevent Pangol, an Argolin artificially created by tachyonics, from replicating himself further and starting a new war with the Foamasi. Meanwhile, Earth scientist Hardin discovers how to use tachyonics to rejuvenate the Argolins.

40 years after the Argolin-Foamasi war of 2250.


December: Contact with the Spacehopper Mark III Freighter XV773 is lost when it is stolen by agents of Mestor.

A screen shown in "The Twin Dilemma" reads "Last Contact: 12-99." If "The Twin Dilemma" happens in 2300, the date given fits here.


August: The Twin Dilemma: 1,2,3,4: On the planet Jaconda, the Giant Gastropod Mestor, using the mathematical genius of Earth twins Romulus and Remus Sylvest, attempt to move two other planets in Jaconda's solar system into orbit around Jaconda. This will cause the planets to plunge into Jaconda's sun, spreading his eggs across the universe. The newly-regenerated 6th Doctor and Peri are able to foil Mestor's plan and rescue the twins.

The setting for this story was presented in the original script as 2300. This would seem to be supported by the "12-99" given for the XV773's disappearance, eight months previously.

The 6th Doctor and Peri return Romulus and Remus Sylvest to their home on Earth.

Just after "The Twin Dilemma."


On the third moon of the planet Delta Magna, a giant squid appears before the native Swampies. They adopt this squid as their god, whom they name Kroll. This becomes known as the first Manifestation of Kroll.

"The Power of Kroll." Two centuries before Kroll's next appearance in 2528.


The Minyan ship R1C reaches the world the Minyans have dubbed Minyos II, and colonization begins.

370 years after "Underworld."


On the planet Thoros-Alpha, Linna is born. He will eventually become a spice trader and will join the rebel movement against the Mentors of Thoros-Beta.

Linna is twenty at the time of "The Trial of a Time Lord" (2379).


London becomes a part of Central City, which occupies the southern half of England.

400 years prior to "The Sensorites" (2764).


The Androids of Tara: 1,2,3,4: On the planet Tara, after recovering the fourth segment of the Key to Time (disguised as part of a statue), the 4th Doctor, K-9 Mark II and the 1st Romana help prevent the overthrow of Prince Reynard by the villainous Count Grendel of Gracht.

The Doctor implies that the TARDIS has travelled 400 years (probably forward) from the previous setting of 1978 in "The Stones of Blood."


The 6th Doctor and Peri discover that the warlords of Thordon have acquired an illicit supply of "CD phasers." Concerned by this, the Doctor decides to track down the source of the weapons.

Some time before "The Trial of a Time Lord."

July 3: The Trial of a Time Lord: 5,6,7,8: The 6th Doctor and Peri, attempting to trace certain weapons sales, travel to Thoros-Beta, planet of the Mentors. Scientist Crozier is attempting to transplant the expanding consciousness of Kiv, leader of the Mentors, into a new, more suitable host; Peri is chosen. Before the Doctor is able to rescue her, the Time Lords pull him out of time to stand trial. In order to prevent Crozier's research from being revealed, the Time Lords apparently also use King Yrcanos of Thoros-Alpha to kill all those involved in the experiment.

Contrary to appearances, Peri does survive the Time Lords' attack. King Yrcanos takes her as her bride and she becomes Queen of Thoros-Alpha.

Shortly after "The Trial of a Time Lord."


Unreal Transfer is discovered.

"The Leisure Hive."


A group of colonists led by Robert Ashe leave Earth and attempt to colonize the planet Uxarieus. Shortly after their arrival, a number of colonists are killed by the natives, called Primitives, before a deal is reached with the Primitives by providing food to them. Several colonists also go missing while investigating the Primitive City.

A year before "Colony in Space" (2472).


On Uxarieus, the Martins see an enormous lizard outside their habitat. In reality, it is only a projection produced by the Interplanetary Mining Corporation.

The night before "Colony in Space."

Colony in Space: 1,2,3,4,5,6: On the planet Uxarieus, the 3rd Doctor and Jo help a group of colonists fight off the Interplanetary Mining Corporation (IMC). They also prevent the Master from gaining control of a powerful Doomsday Weapon by causing it to self-destruct.


Earth discovers Solos, a planet rich in the mineral thaesium, and begins to colonize it. Around this time, Solos begins its 500 year "spring."

500 years before "The Mutants" (2973).


On the planet Manussa, Snakedancing is banned by the local government. This does not prevent the Snakedancers from continuing their craft, who simply relocate outside the cities.

"Nearly 100 years" before "Snakedance" (2583).


The Tomb of the Cybermen: 1,2,3,4: On the planet Telos, an archaeological expedition from Earth discovers the lost tombs of the Cybermen. Some members of the expedition decide to revive the Cybermen, in hopes of forming an alliance to take over the Earth. The 2nd Doctor, Jamie and Victoria help the rest of the group defeat the Cybermen, re-freezing them in their tombs.

Professor Parry says that the Cybermen have not been heard from for "500 years." The story must take place before "Attack of the Cybermen," as we see events on Telos which clearly take place after this adventure. That means it must also take place before 2526, the setting for "Earthshock," which leads to the events of "Attack of the Cybermen." 500 years after "The Wheel in Space" and "The Moonbase" are after 2526. Therefore, this story is being placed 500 years after "The Tenth Planet" (1986).


Trevor Sigma is present on Terra Alpha to conduct a census for Galactic Central.

Six months before "The Happiness Patrol."

The Happiness Patrol: 1,2,3: On the colony world of Terra Alpha, the oppressive government, led by Helen A, has outlawed sorrow; happiness is mandatory. All those not deemed happy enough are dubbed "Killjoys" and executed. The 7th Doctor and Ace arrive and help topple the oppressive government.

Placement is conjecture. The Doctor describes this time as simply being "centuries in [Ace's] future."


Vicki, her father, Bennett, and a group of colonist leave Earth for the colony Astra. En route, Bennett kills a man and is arrested. The ship crashes on the planet Dido, where Bennett kills all the other colonists but Vicki, and most of the native people. Bennet tells Vicki the Didonians were responsible for the deaths, and takes on the identity of Koquillion to keep her in line.

"The Rescue."


The Rescue: The Powerful Enemy; Desperate Measures: On the planet Dido, the 1st Doctor, Barbara and Ian encounter two survivors of a spaceship crash, Vicki and Bennett, who are being terrorized by a figure called Koquillion. Bennett is revealed as Koquillion, and the murderer of the other crash survivors and most of the native population. Bennett is killed by the remaining Didonians. Vicki joins the TARDIS crew.

A year after the ship leaves Earth in 2493.

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